The Broternal Wiki:About

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"The Broternal Wiki is like if you took the Homestar Runner Wiki and filled it with useless crap."

What is this wiki about? Well, it all started about 4 billion years ago, when the Earth was formed. A little while after that, fish grew legs, arms, and noses. Two of these fish, Mike and Matt Chapman, created an Internet cartoon called Homestar Runner. One of the cartoons was about a secret society called the "Broternal Order of Different Helmets". In 2016, some guy named Branderson created his own Broternal Order of Different Helmets on the Homestar Runner Fanstuff Wiki 2 (HRFWiki2). It was an online club that anyone could join, with discussions, art trades, and more fun stuff. The members created their own Homestar Runner characters and wrote episodes about them. Eventually, this club became a series, and this series evolved into a massive multi-million dollar franchise (but without the multi-million dollar part). We've got four seasons of episodes, and a bunch of other stuff in the works, such as an animated episode, a feature-length film script, a video game, and a board game. You can find out more, and read our episodes, at our home page on the HRFWiki2.

"But wait," you may be saying out loud, to your roommates' puzzlement, "if all your episodes are on the HRFWiki2, what's the point of this wiki?". First of all, you don't have to say that out loud because I can't hear you anyways. Secondly, here's an analogy. Think of the BODH franchise as Homestar Runner. Our HRFWiki2 pages are like the main website — the source of all our content — while this wiki is like the Homestar Runner Wiki, intended to host information on our HRFWiki2 content. It's a bit confusing, but you'll get used to it (unless you don't). For example, compare the pages for the episode First Meeting on the HRFWiki2, and First Meeting on our own wiki. The HRFWiki2 page has the content of the episode (the transcript), plus a list of references to Homestar Runner. The Broternal Wiki page merely summarizes the episode, and includes a list of references to other BODH content. If you want to read our content, go to the HRFWiki2. If you want to read about characters, items, running gags and so forth, go to the Broternal Wiki. Does that make sense? Did I overexplain it? I did, didn't I? Whatever. You get the idea.

If you'd like to know more about the BODH, what we do, and how to join, read our official guide on the HRFWiki2. If not, go away.